
Frequently Asked Questions

Home FAQs

Our Neonatologists, like many physicians, are contracted separately from the facility in which they practice. In insurance terms, the hospital may be in-network, but our doctor may be out-of-network. If you notice that your insurance company is paying your charges at a reduced rate, you were probably considered out-of-network. If your insurance company is made aware of your specific situation, they may consider additional payment. The appeal process may be as simple as calling your carrier and asking them to reprocess these claims in the network. We would be glad to assist you if you need further assistance in the appeals process. You can contact us at : (918) 205-0701

If there was a delay in receiving information from the insurance company, there will be a delay in receiving your statement. We try not to mail statements until we are satisfied that we have done everything to collect complete/correct payment from your insurance. Sometimes, we may be unable to resolve issues with your insurance, and you may receive a bill that you believe should have been paid by insurance. If you receive a statement from us and believe that your insurance was paid incorrectly, you must contact your insurance agency to dispute their payment.

If, on the other hand, you received a statement that does not show any insurance payments, we may have missed some information. Due to the nature of our practice, for example, patient names may not always be available or may have changed after the claim(s) was filed. Basic insurance information needed to submit a claim includes:

Insurance Name
Claims Address
Policy Holder’s Name and Date of Birth
Patient’s Name and Date of Birth
Patient’s ID#
If you feel that our information may be incomplete, please contact us at: (918) 205-0701

Often, one of our Neonatologists will be called in to attend a delivery or be involved in the earliest care of your child. A referring physician or staff member would have requested their presence. If you have other concerns about this immediate care, we will be glad to help.

Most insurance companies have standard rates that they are willing to pay for services rendered. If physicians are contracted with your carrier, they have agreed to these rates. The “usual, customary, and reasonable” (UCR) rates may vary if they are not employed. The patient is then responsible for the difference.

We strongly recommend you contact your insurance carrier at the phone # listed on your ID card to dispute the UCR limits.

All payments you may receive belong to the physician who provided the service. Checks should be marked “pay to the order of Newborn Specialists,” signed on the back, and mailed directly to our office with any attached correspondence, such as an Explanation of Benefits (EOB). This must be sent to us within seven days of receiving the payment. Although we will work with patients to set up manageable payment plans, payments received directly from insurance are not subject to being placed on a payment plan.

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