
Newborn Nursery Services

At Newborn Specialists of Tulsa, we're here to provide exceptional nursery care for your little one during their first days of life, ensuring a smooth and comfortable transition for your entire family.

Why You Need Exceptional Nursery Care for Your Newborn

Why You Need Exceptional Nursery Care for Your Newborn

Newborn bliss is real, but so is exhaustion. Nursery care provides:

  • Rest & Recovery: Experienced staff cares for your baby around the clock, giving you precious time to heal and bond.
  • Expert Attention: Qualified professionals monitor your baby's health, manage common concerns, and ensure the best possible start.
  • Stress-Free Bonding: Focus on those first cuddles and breastfeeding sessions, knowing your baby is in great hands.
  • Confident Caregivers: Our team empowers you with knowledge and guidance for a smooth transition home.

You're investing in a smooth transition for your entire family by choosing exceptional nursery care at Newborn Specialists of Tulsa. You can experience the joy of parenthood with peace of mind, knowing your baby is receiving the best possible care.

Services We Offer

At Newborn Specialists of Tulsa, we provide a comprehensive range of services to ensure your baby receives the very best care during their first days of life:

Newborn Exam

Our pediatricians or nurse practitioners perform a thorough newborn exam for complete peace of mind.

Personalized Daily Care

Dedicated nurses provide 24/7 care, monitoring vitals, ensuring proper feeding, and creating a comfortable environment for your baby to thrive.

Expert Management

We effectively manage common concerns like low blood sugar, jaundice, and weight loss, ensuring your baby feels their best.

On-Time Vaccinations

We administer routine vaccinations to protect your baby from preventable diseases.

Circumcision (Optional)

Upon request, we perform circumcisions with the highest safety standards.

Support to Parents

Our team empowers you with knowledge and skills to care for your newborn with confidence.

Breastfeeding Support

Lactation consultants and resources help you establish a successful breastfeeding journey.

Skin-to-Skin Bonding

We encourage skin-to-skin contact for optimal development and bonding with your baby.

Newborn Specialists of Tulsa’s Advantage

Beyond Standard Care: Newborn Specialists of Tulsa’s Advantage

While exceptional care is our baseline, we go a step further to ensure a seamless transition for your family:

  • Physician Continuity: We collaborate with your private practice physician, providing coverage and ensuring consistent care for your newborn.
  • Proactive Approach: We review your baby's prenatal records to anticipate potential health concerns and take preventive measures if needed.
  • Daily Monitoring: Our team conducts thorough daily assessments, closely monitoring your baby's progress and well-being.
  • Open Communication: We maintain clear and consistent communication with families and referring physicians, keeping everyone informed throughout your baby's stay.
  • Smooth Discharge Transition: Before discharge, we conduct a comprehensive assessment and provide personalized instructions on caring for your baby at home, ensuring a smooth transition for your growing family.

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